How to use chromebooks in the classroom:
What's a chromebook, anyway? |
how do i get chromebooks?Click the Google Doc below for Chromebook cart check-out procedures, as well as guidelines for using Chromebooks with your students.
article to REad:
Open the Google Doc below for answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Chromebooks, as well as how to troubleshoot common glitches.
Chromebooks tips & tricks For a multi-page list of tricks, tips, shortcuts --a ready-reference guide to Chromebooks, if you will -- open the Google Doc files below.
how do students use chromebooks?Need ideas of how to use Chromebooks in your classroom? Browse through our teacher-created list of ways students can learn, do and create using Chromebooks. Have you recently tried a new web-based technology with your students? Let us know and we'll add it to our document!
Here's an article with even more recommendations on using Chromebooks: 50 of the Best Google Chrome Extensions for Teachers